How Can You Avoid Soft 404 Errors and Their Impact on Technical SEO?

How Can You Avoid Soft 404 Errors and Their Impact on Technical SEO?

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In the world of technical SEO, errors can significantly impact your website's performance, user experience, and search engine rankings. Among these errors, one of the most overlooked but harmful is the soft 404 error. Unlike hard 404 errors, which explicitly tell both users and search engines that a page doesn’t exist, soft 404 errors occur when a page displays a 404-like message but returns a status code of 200, indicating the page is valid even though it isn’t.

In this article, we’ll explore the importance of avoiding soft 404 errors, how they affect your technical SEO, and best practices to prevent them. Whether you’re working with technical seo agencies or handling your SEO strategy in-house, understanding and addressing soft 404 errors can greatly improve your website’s performance.


What Is a Soft 404 Error?

A soft 404 error happens when a webpage appears to be missing (for example, it shows a “Page Not Found” message) but doesn’t return the correct 404 status code. Instead, the server returns a 200 status code, indicating that the page is technically functional. Search engines like Google flag this as a soft 404 error because the page is either thin on content or irrelevant, but the server still treats it like a normal page.

While a soft 404 error may not seem as serious as a hard 404, it can cause problems in terms of technical seo because it misleads search engines and impacts your site’s crawl budget, rankings, and overall user experience.


How Do Soft 404 Errors Impact Technical SEO?

Soft 404 errors can negatively affect your website in several ways:


Wasted Crawl Budget

Search engines allocate a certain amount of resources to crawl your website, known as the crawl budget. When they waste time crawling irrelevant or non-existent pages marked as soft 404s, it takes away from their ability to discover and index other important pages on your site. For e-commerce websites, this can be particularly damaging because you want search engines to prioritize your product pages and other key content. Properly handling soft 404s allows search engines to focus on indexing the most relevant pages, improving your site's visibility. A technical seo agency can help ensure your crawl budget is used efficiently by addressing any soft 404 errors that could be harming your site’s performance.


Reduced Search Engine Rankings

Google and other search engines prefer sites with high-quality, relevant content. When a website has many soft 404 errors, it can signal poor user experience and lead to a drop in rankings. This is because search engines may interpret these pages as low-quality or deceptive since they present themselves as valid but offer little or no useful information. For technical SEO for ecommerce websites, maintaining high rankings for product and category pages is essential to driving traffic and conversions. 


Negative User Experience

User experience is a critical factor in technical SEO. When visitors encounter pages that appear broken or irrelevant, they are more likely to leave your site, leading to higher bounce rates. Soft 404 errors contribute to this by misleading users, who expect to find valuable content but instead land on an empty or missing page. Higher bounce rates and poor user signals can further hurt your SEO rankings, making it crucial to fix these errors promptly.


Inaccurate Indexing

Soft 404 errors can lead search engines to incorrectly index your site, listing non-existent or irrelevant pages in the search results. This not only dilutes the authority of your website but can also make it harder for users to find the most relevant content. Accurate indexing is essential for achieving optimal technical seo service, and fixing soft 404 errors is key to ensuring search engines only index your most valuable pages.


How to Detect and Prevent Soft 404 Errors

Addressing soft 404 errors is critical for maintaining a healthy website and improving your technical SEO performance. Here are some steps to help you detect and prevent soft 404 errors:


Regular Site Audits

One of the best ways to detect soft 404 errors is by conducting regular site audits. Tools like Google Search Console, Screaming Frog, and other SEO platforms can help you identify soft 404s across your website. These tools will show which pages are returning incorrect status codes and alert you to any potential issues. 


Properly Configure 404 Pages

When a page is genuinely missing or no longer available, make sure your server returns the correct 404 status code. A well-designed 404 page that helps users find what they’re looking for can improve user experience and reduce bounce rates. Customize your 404 page with helpful links, a search bar, or contact information to assist users in navigating your site.


301 Redirects for Removed Content

If you’ve removed or relocated content, it’s important to implement a 301 redirect to the most relevant page. This ensures that users and search engines are directed to a functioning page, maintaining the authority and traffic associated with the old URL.


Improve Thin Content Pages

Some soft 404 errors occur because the content on a page is too thin or irrelevant for search engines to consider it a valid result. Rather than removing these pages, consider updating and improving the content to make it more valuable to users. This could involve adding product information, reviews, or other helpful details that enhance the page’s SEO value. For e-commerce sites, optimizing thin product or category pages is essential to ranking well in search results, technical seo for ecommerce ensures that all pages, from product descriptions to category listings, provide valuable content that attracts both users and search engines.


Check for Duplicate Pages

Duplicate content can sometimes trigger soft 404 errors, especially if search engines interpret the duplicate pages as low-value. Conducting a thorough review of your site to eliminate or consolidate duplicate content can reduce the occurrence of these errors. Technical SEO agencies often specialize in resolving duplicate content issues. They can help ensure your site has unique, high-quality pages that contribute positively to your SEO strategy.


How Technical SEO Agencies Can Help

Dealing with soft 404 errors and other technical SEO challenges can be time-consuming and complex, especially for larger websites or e-commerce businesses with extensive product catalogs. Working with a technical SEO agency can help you stay on top of these issues and ensure your site is fully optimized for search engines. A professional SEO agency will conduct regular site audits to detect and fix soft 404 errors, Implement proper redirects and 404 status codes, optimize thin content pages for better SEO performance, ensure that your site’s crawl budget is used efficiently by search engines.



Soft 404 errors may seem like a minor issue, but they can have a significant impact on your website’s technical SEO performance. From wasting your crawl budget to harming user experience, these errors can undermine your SEO efforts and reduce your visibility in search engine rankings. By proactively addressing soft 404 errors through site audits, proper page configurations, and improved content, you can safeguard your website’s SEO health. Partnering with a technical SEO agency can provide the expertise needed to efficiently manage and resolve these issues, ensuring your site performs optimally in search results.

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